Engineering Connections - Airbus A380 | Free online movies downloads| dubbed English movies| download movies for free| Dvdripv movies

Monday, February 2, 2009

Engineering Connections - Airbus A380


Hammond learns how an eagles' wing-tips, an 18th Century rocket and a bicycle pump helped in the development of the worlds' biggest jetliner.

Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections is a weekly show on the National Geographic Channel, wherin the presenter, Richard Hammond, learns how engineers and designers use historic inventions and clues from the natural world in ingenous ways to develop new buildings and machines.The show involves Richard Hammond looking at several areas of the modern development and learning - often from the designers of the development itself - from where they got the ideas that they use to bring the development to fruition.The show first broadcast on 15 May 2008 as part of the National Geographic Channels' "Big New Mondays", although the episodes are repeated during the week.
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